SYMPHONY Shares Vision in “Growth-Inspire” Seminar
Mr. Kranphol Asawasuwan (on the right), Managing Director of Symphony Communication Public Company Limited, attended in “Growth-Inspire” Seminar at “Telecom Innovation Growth and 3G Opportunity Exhibition” to share experience and vision on telecommunication industry as Mr.- – is well-recognized as a successful businessman who established telecommunication and related companies. Now SYMPHONY is preparing to filing IPOs into Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The seminar was hold at Sherraton Grande Sukhumvit Hotel Bangkok by The National Telecommunications Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
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IR PLUS : Jurarat Charoenpakdee (Fah)
Tel. 02-022-6200 Mobile 089-4888337 E-mail : jurarat@irplus.in.th